Scientific Publishing: Editor, Referee & Author Responsibilities


Dieses Angebot findet auf Englisch statt


Course Description:

This event offers the opportunity to learn about important aspects of scientific publishing from the point of view of an editor. Important steps that have to be undertaken to submit a paper successfully will be pointed out, i.e. getting in contact with editors, finding out about citation style, deadlines, and review procedures. The audience will learn what aspects and mistakes can cause problems in the submission process and in the worst-case lead to rejection of a scientific paper.

Target Audience:

Doctoral candidates of Mainz University doing research in subjects belonging to chemistry, materials science, physics, and life sciences.
Maximum number of Participants: 20 persons


  • publishing in the online age
  • responsibilities in scientific publishing
  • Publication strategy: finding the right journal
  • The editorial process from submission to acceptance
  • Writing cover letters
  • Planning the manuscript: intro, results, discussion, conclusion
  • Dealing with referees` comments and improving the submitted paper suitably
  • Responsibilities in scientific publishing

The course encourages the active involvement of the participants and features the following didactic
elements: information input, case discussions, plenary discussions and problem-based learning in small

Course Objectives:

Participants ...

  • know about the editorial standards and processes.
  • are aware of the aspects editors and publishers look at critically.
  • have a clear understanding of sensitive areas such as publishing ethics, plagiarism, duplicate publishing,
  • etc.

Date and venue:

The next workshop will take place in the first half of 2025. As soon as the exact dates have been set, they will be published here on the website.


Dr. Joe Krumpfer; Wiley VCH, Editor of the Advanced Functional Materials Journal

Application Details

To apply please use OpenOLAT. In order to be able to apply for the courses doctoral candidates need to be registered with the GPP.

This workshop is offered by the General Doctoral College (APK).